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Earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts. | | | | Welcome to Belle's World of Truthfulness | | | | | | Ringing True – A TerraCuddles Story Grandpa Clay's grandson, Dusty, pockets a toy from a local store, evades the alarm bell, and then gets entangled in a web of lies to conceal his deed from his friends and parents. Already becoming bothered by his conscience, he is visited in the night by TerraCuddle Belle, who
rings her tiny bell and speaks to Dusty: 'School bells, door bells and church bells, too, Wherever you go and whatever you do, let all bells be a reminder to you, your heart and words must always ring true.' Ringing bells have new meaning for Dusty, and he finds they are everywhere. A ringing doorbell from a visiting neighbor brings everyone and everything together.
Read Belle's story: Ringing True. |
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| | | | Belle's Truthfulness Calendar Download TerraCuddle Belle's inspiring calendar of Truthfulness. Collect the entire set. Find more inspiring calendars and register for free e-mail updates HERE.. | | | Truth is the foundation upon which the rest of our values are built. If we are not first truthful, who will
believe our other virtues? TerraCuddle Belle |
| | | | Truthfulness and Religion? | | | | Question: I understand TerraCuddles don't refer to any particular religion, but I'm interested
in using TerraCuddles with my Sunday School class. Can TerraCuddles be connected to the Bible? Answer |
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| | | | | | | Truthfulness Activities | | | | How many words can you spell from the word T R U T H F U L N E S S ? We found 56. Check it out. Download Belle's coloring page. Mail it to us and we may post it on our website. | | | True Life Stories? Sometimes being truthful and living with positive values has its serious difficulties. We see others getting ahead and feel left behind. But life is more like a marathon than a sprint. Those who run fast beyond their abilitites may take a quick lead, but will soon run out of energy and fail. Conditioning, training, and a steady pace makes for a pleasant and winning race all the way to the end, where it really counts. Begin with the end in mind. Read The Emporer's Seed and other inspiring stories,
poems and articles of truthfulness at True Life Stories. Do you have a story to add? E-mail us! |
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